FDC Instructor's Training Institute
Tuesday, July 10- Friday, July 13, 2007
Holiday Inn Downtown Hotel and Conference Center Ithaca, NY
What is the Family Development Training and Credentialing (FDC) Program ?
FDC is an interagency, strengths-based training and credentialing program for front-line family workers.
Who should attend this FDC Instructors and Portfolio Advisors Training Institute?
People who are interested in becoming official instructors for the Family Development Training and Credentialing Program. Those invited to apply include:
- State, health, human service and/or community-based trainers interested in offering FDC in their communities. (Agencies are encouraged to collaborate with a community college to arrange for course credit or continuing education credit for FDC candidates.)
- Faculty (regular and adjunct) in community college Human Services departments, continuing education programs or four-year college Social Work or other clinical programs;
- Current portfolio advisors interested in serving as FDC instructors in the future.
The FDC Program
The Family Development Training and Credentialing Program (FDC) is a major New York State initiative that provides frontline workers with the skills and competencies they need to empower families to attain a healthy self- reliance and interdependence with their communities. This voluntary, interagency training and credentialing program is beneficial for front-line workers from a wide variety of public and non-profit service systems.
For More Information
To Apply for the FDC Instructor's Training Institute, contact Georgia Howe, (607)272-1552, or ghh2@cornell.edu
FDC Website: http://www.human.cornell.edu/che/HD/FDC/credentials/index.cfm